Design Director, Pipeline Architect

Doritos & Pepsi _ Superpowerful Duo

One of the first bigger cell animation jobs we did, apart from Tetley. Working directly with Jonathan was a great experience. A lot of talent and amazing team.

Agency: AMV BBDO
Producer: Suzanne Melia, Abbie McLean
Creatives: Scott Andrews, Prabs Wignarajah, Leigh Gilbert, Jez Tribe

Production Company: The Mill
Director: Jonathan Vuillemin
Executive Producer: Luke Colson
Producer: Tracey Khan
Editing Company: The Mill

Motion Graphics (TVC): Jonathan Vuillemin, Nils Kloth, Kwok Fung Lam, Stephen Vuillemin, Ivo Sousa, Dominic Burgess, Sam Taylor
After FX animation (TVC): Nils Kloth, Dominic Burgess
Flash animation (TVC): Jonathan Vuillemin, Kwok Fung Lam, Stephen Vuillemin, Ivo Sousa, Sam Taylor
Background Artist : Adam Willis
Colourist: Luke Morrison